Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fishers of men (and other things)...

The question was asked by Lina Lofaro and Amy Lennard Goehner, "Can a fillm change the world?". So what exactly is the answer? Whether its between Darwin's nightmare, or one of Michael Moores latest blockbusters, the question still seems to be unanswered.

Can one single film alter the ideas or opinions of one single person... Or thousands of people? What about hundresds of thousands. In Darwins Nightmare, a film by Hubert Sauper, the director and writer of the film, he shows that the nile perch brought in to Tanzania turn into what is termed as a "Cash crop" by wikipedia. Meaning that the perch are only to produce and raised for income, not to feed the already existing Tanzanians. They leave behind waste that are hardly edible for the natives of the country.

Aside from that, the President of Tanzania has even spoken against the film, saying that it goves a negative connotation to the country. Is that true? Is what Sauper has set as guidelines for the story, really what is going on?

All across the country, filmmakers retelling stories to the nation hoping to impact and affect. Films like Rent, Blood Diamond, Gia, etc... all stood up for a cause that they believed in, but who are they affecting.. Who is seeing these films, and even more, who is reacting to them. As a reader or viewer, are you affected on a daily basis by what you see or hear? Hghly doubtful in every circumstance, but surely there is some film, some article or web post that has affected you. That is why every artists keeps on grinding. While some might do it for the money, some still do it to be heard. Those artists, are as honorable and noble as the Tanzanians who struggle every day, to live... And that my friends... wrong or right... is my opinion.

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