Wednesday, December 9, 2009

y tu mama tambien

After thinking about it and discussing it in class, I still don't know how I feel about y tu mama tambien. As soon as the film was over I didn't like it because I was still a bit in shock about how unexpected it was. I didn't really care for the film after it was over. I think I like it a little more after today's discussion. It is certainly not my favorite film, not even close. But discussing it gave me a little more understanding about it. It is not just about sex, though I still think it's mostly about sex. At least now I understand why a little more. One thing I definitely did not get out of it was the 'two Mexicos' thing. I'm not sure if it's because I know almost nothing about Mexican history or if it just wasn't super present in the film. I thought it was more about the characters. My favorite part about the film was the various shots of the roadside. I thought it was both interesting and sad that they travelled through such interesting places and never thought a thing about it. It really made me think about all the things that go on around you that you know nothing about. It reminds me of times of horrible sadness and you can't believe everyone else is going about life as usual. When we see the crosses on the side of the road and hear a tiny bit of the story behind them you feel a connection with those people and feel that same sense of amazement that the main characters don't notice a thing.

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