Monday, September 7, 2009

Word Study: Neutral

Although I knew what "neutral" meant when I came across it in our book, I thought it would be interesting to check out the definition again and see if I could apply any more meaning to one part of the readings. 

Neutral – adj. – Defined in the Miriam Webster dictionary as “not engaged on either side; not decided or pronounced as to characteristics: indifferent,” and on as “not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy,” and “not causing or reflecting a change in something.”

This made me think: Is anything really neutral? Just food for thought . . .

1 comment:

  1. Can anything (or anyone) really neutral?... Howard Zinn, historian, scholar, and activist, would say "No!" as the title of his book, "You Can't be Neutral On A Moving Train" would imply. Look it up!
    Also, I believe "neutral" came up in the reading in relation to WWI (certain countries were allied while some remained neutral - i.e. they did not "pick sides").
