Hmmmm, well the more I think about this the stranger the ideas get. There is something I have always wanted to do, but I think it would take a nice group of folks, but would be a blast. I really don't see any point or benefit other than entertainment value, however.
Late some evening when all the bars are getting out it has always occurred to me that a hilarious faux zombie invasion would be hilarious, complete with some sort of anti-zombie brigade to take them down and be totally victorious. People would love it! Instead of zombies, we would remind everyone maybe to get a rabies vaccine if they have been bitten by a suspicious animal. Now that's practical! And something to be concerned about. Rabies is the TRUE zombie invasion. I heard this episode of This American Life that involved rabies. I think it was a Halloween episode. Tis the season! I'm finding it for this one time only special Experimental Halloween Blog. SCAAAARY! !!!!

thisamericanlife rabies!!!!!
That aside I would like to do something a bit more relevant for this assignment it's just hard to say what exactly. I really like this idea, though.
So a lot of guys have this big shenanigan of not shaving their faces for the month of November. Check the link above for evidence. This should be a great month for ladies if I don't say so myself. . . Sure, some people might think it's cliche of women to express themselves in such a way, but you never know. If we get enough girls on board they might peer pressure each other out of shaving their legs. It takes no effort really. We could then make an excellent site, just like these hairy faced men did regarding our non-shaving escapades. There's another link within that site HERE about all the reasons why you should grow a beard. I think it would be awesome to prove to women, especially young, beautiful women that they still are very attractive and can get male attention without shaving. God knows its true.
I particularly like REASON #1 - It instantly turns any man in to a badass. This could be true for women. I think so. Anyhoo. . . I won't regurgitate the whole thing back on to this blog. Take a looksie for yoself.
I would like to get some posters going on at Stephens and ask girls to send an email to sign up and document their experience with photos or blog posts like we have here to see exactly how they feel about it and what they decide to do at the end of the month.
Free food and drink = bye bye raw food. I do not miss you. Two weeks of October is good enough for me.
Interesting Folks
Julia Reichart - Growing Up Female included a lot of other great shorts along with it. I hope she comes back to share more in the future. Trying to talk Jen Erickson into finagling her back asap. She said what we did at Ragtag was like, week one of her class in Ohio. We need subsequent weeks at future festivals. Her film was an amazing, honest look at what people really thought about women in the 1970s and it was incredibly shocking. I feel so grateful for the women that came before us and helped change these awful, repressive roles that women like us were once twisted in to.
Fergus - the awesome art design guy for our film fests and he was saying that one of his most recent assignments he gave his students was a simple paper listing ten things that you do at least once per week, every week. He even gave his students the option of writing breakfast, lunch, and dinner and many of them couldn't come up with ten things that they do ritually each and every week. It was really interesting to think about, and kind of sad, that there isn't something all of us really MUST do creatively once per week, every week. I want to start attempting to apply this.

A few changes . . . aside from the rock and roll dimension taking over some poor schmuck's jumpy frame removed life it only gets worse! We're adding creepy old dolls to his Martha Stewartesque room and a meat locker where he works as a janitor! Why? Because we can, and we're shooting on Halloween. . . . Which also means creepo costumes on all of our extras. Still looking for an assistant for lighting and camera if anyone wants to help out.

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