Hello dear students,
Welcome (again!) to our class together. I was very happy to see all those familiar faces as well as some bright new ones. I am sorry that technical problems made the class run less than smoothly, but for the most part, I think we had a great first day.
I am writing to recap and to make sure we are all on the same page.
(BTW - this info should be in your email as well).
1. The syllabus was discussed in class. If you have anything to add/change, please email me ASAP. We will "ratify" the syllabus in next Wednesday's class.
2. Reading packets are on Kathy's desk in the Film Dept office. There are THREE stapled reading packets corresponding to the films and topics we'll be discussing in the coming weeks. Please pick them up and be sure to read the first one ("Salt of the Earth") in time to post.
3. Yes, your first post is due this Saturday by 5pm. This post will be different from the ones you will do during the rest of the semester because it will focus exclusively on the reading (since you have not seen the film yet). So, take this as an opportunity to learn how to summarize and evaluate articles, because the next posts will ask you to analyze articles and films in your writing. Also, take this as a time to familiarize yourself with the blog (try adding images, video, as well as creating/updating your profile).
4. If you would like to finish viewing the video we watched today - "Untitled Fall '95" by Alex Bag - it is available at our library! I think it is really worth seeing to the end. Again, my apologies that we had technical problems that delayed us!
5. Be aware that some big projects for the class are coming up fast. Since it is the beginning of the semester and you might not have as many pressures from other classes, please use this time to get yourself ready to tackle those projects.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns.
I am excited to share this semester with you, to learn and grow together, and to challenge ourselves to be braver, more informed, and more creative women.
Thank you for your attention, input, and patience!
- Polina
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