Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grapefruit Selections

Questionnaire – 1966 Spring

Name – Jen, Jenn, Jennifer, Jenny, JRay, Razor, Jenn Razor, Jennifer Lynn Razor, Jennifer
Razor, Jennifer L Razor, Razor Jennifer L, Razor Jennifer, J Razor, JLR,

Address –
Past – 1502 Hinkson Ave Columbia, MO 65201
Present – 211 Ripley Ave Columbia, MO 65201
Future – ?

Sex – Female

Colour – Splotchy peach with brown and red polka dots.

Height – 5 feet 8 and a half inches

Weight – 133 pounds

Occupation – Customer service and sales representative, film student.

Disease – Gluttony, laziness

Physical Peculiarities – There’s a bump that recently formed on the top of the lobe on my left ear,
my hands have poor circulation from smoking for years and they turn purple in the winter or when
I’m cold. I have a pinched nerve in spine C6, and herpes of the nose when my immune system
is down or I’m stressed. Acne. Plantar fasciitis in my feet. Scars from chicken pox and acne. I
can wiggle my right ear and my index toe on the right foot. Other things I care not to mention and
loathe . . . Sometimes my back kills me. I often have a lot of phlegm.

Other Comments – I need to fix my life a lot.

The sixth finger is usually not used because its existence is not physically perceivable. FALSE

There is a transparent peace tower in in New York City which casts no shadow and, therefore,
very rarely recognized. TRUE

Blood is not red unless exposed and blue when it’s imagined. TRUE

The structure of the American jury system is taken by the chance music operation by John Cage.
(The noted Judge Connolly is said to have said, “all verdicts are beautiful”). FALSE

Mt. Fuji, whose colour is blue and white from the distance and volcano red when you go near, is a
carefully planned modern Japanese project built to attract American tourists. FALSE

The East Side is not a word to define its location but was originally a name of a town “The Wise
East on the Wrong Side”. Later it was shortened to the presently known “The East Side”. FALSE

Your weight is twice mine, and height 5 inches shorter. FALSE

Grapefruit is a hybrid of lemon and orange. TRUE.

Snow is a hybrid of wish and lament. FALSE/TRUE

All fruits are related species of banana, which was the first fruit in existence. The Bible lied about

the apple because they felt mentioning the word banana too undignified. FALSE

Roaches are moving forms of flowers, though visually they seem unconnected. TRUE

Happenings were first invented by Greek gods. FALSE

The word "manila envelope" comes from a deeply-rooted racial prejudice. FALSE.

Coughing is a form of love. FALSE

All streets are invisible. The visible ones are fake ones, though some visible ones are the end

parts of the invisible ones. FALSE

Teeth and bones are solid form of cloud. FALSE

Paper is marble cut so thin that it has become soft. (Make marble out of toilet paper.) FALSE.

Plastic is a portion of the sky cut out in solid form. (Collect many pieces of plastic and look

through them to see if they look blue.) FALSE

If you wear clothes long enough it becomes part of you and you will suffer from serious physical

maladjustment when you take it off. A princess died from taking off vines that had covered her for

ten years. A prince, when his encircling vines were removed, was found to be non-existent. TRUE

When you leave things, you leave your spirit behind, too. But if you don't leave them, you age.


Your brother is the man you killed in the past world. He was born in your family because he

wanted to be near you. FALSE!!!! AHHH!

There is a wish man in the corner of the world whose daily task is to send good-will waves to the

world to clear the air. TRUE!

Men used to walk on hands upside down, but they changed to the present form because it was

considered less obscene. FALSE.

99 percent of the world is dead bodies and tombs. We are the remaining 1 per cent...(or are we?).


There are one thousand suns arising every day. We only see one of them because of our fixation

on monistic thinking. TRUE

Piano keys are flower-petals turned hard. FALSE.Kind of Trueish.

People who bought Ono's "bagwear" invariably encountered fantastic good luck and fortune. -ad.


A cloud consists of the following substances: colour, music, smell, sleep and water. Sometimes it

rains substances other than water, but very few people notice it. TRUE.

A, B, OR C

Yellow Talk –

Youth Talk – You are still young because of other reasons – I’m not finished maturing.

Stone Talk – Stone is an

C) All colours have yellow in it.

Adjective – made of stone

Noun – As a material

Verb – to stone = to kill, to make

Star Talk – The star Uranus is rainbow colour.

Line Talk – A Line is a billion lines cluttered in to a narrow space.

Daisy Talk – The weight of a daisy is three feathers.

Wink Talk – An intensity of a wink is a water droplet from a loose faucet.

Wind Talk – The age of the wind is a billion years older than the Empire State Building.

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